The Power of Insecurity
So here’s the thing. I am insecure. This insecurity keeps me from putting things out in the world for fear of judgement and rejection. The thing is, putting things out there is what i need to do to succeed and NOT FEEL INSECURE.
Get it?
How does one get out of this conundrum? Seriously, somebody tell me.
I am currently taking part in a group coaching program with Mel Robbins call #bestdecadeever. I really hope that it is in fact the best because the last decade…not so good. Not terrible. There where definitely highlights but it really wasn’t one for the record books. I am hoping this one truly is the best. So the main goal of this program is to Dream Big and get the ball rolling towards making them a reality. I wish I could say I can share more and tell you how successful I am now. It’s week 2. Not quite there yet. But the fact that I am posting this at all (for my loyal readers. all 4 of you) means I am facing the beast of insecurity and putting something out there. I know the something isn’t huge and significant but it’s something. Baby steps.
As you were.